Heal Smart Classes
The human body has an amazing ability to protect, regenerate, and heal itself. For thousands of years, people from many different cultures have used breath, consciously-directed movement, vibration, touch, relaxation, and imagery to stimulate and support the body’s natural healing processes. The Smart Body’s unique, somatic approach educates participants on how to support the body’s inherent capacities of taking care of itself. This means that we develop many tools from different modalities to create and sustain an improved quality of life. Whether you’re looking for the best way to recuperate from a hard workout or recovering from illness or injury, experience how movement can support the optimal functioning of the nervous system and organs of immunity.
How do Heal Smart Classes fit into The Smart Body Way?
Smart Chi-Building
The simple act of breathing deeply and fully gives us the energy to live. This energy potential is referred to as Pranayama in the Yogic Tradition, and Chi or Qi by those that practice Tai Chi, Qigong, and many other martial arts. In western culture, we call it energy. In this class, we will move in ways that increase energy, rather than expending it. As Chi reserves begin to increase in your body, it finds areas where the flow of Chi is blocked. The movements in this class are designed to support the healthy flow of Chi through the immune and nervous systems, as these play a major role in the body’s ability to heal itself.
Smart Restore & Rejuvenate
This class incorporates many little “gems” I’ve picked up from over 15 years of being a Certified Massage Therapist, as well as utilizing a rare and effective blend of Somatic modalities such as BodyMind Centering™, Experiential Anatomy, Franklin Method®, Yoga Tune-Up™, and The Roll Model Method™. These modalities inform the process of yielding and softening the body into gravity on foam rollers and balls of various sizes and densities. We will take time to learn how the body is designed to move, so we can help it move better. The goal is to become relaxed in our bodies by becoming aware of tension patterns in posture, to “shift” the nervous system so that tension can be released, to enliven the breath, and to soften fascial adhesion and restriction. The outcome is a more supple muscular tone, healthier joint range, improved breath-support, posture, and alignment, resulting in more efficient movement and well-rounded stretch. Comparable to deep tissue massage, myofascial release, and trigger point therapy, this movement meditation will help to reduce the effects of stress, enhance the quality and experience of movement, and allow the body to recover and recuperate (heal) more efficiently.