Play Smart Classes

Did you know that we are at our best when we’re at play? Play is freedom- and we are hardwired for it! Whether it’s a sport, an instrument, theater/the performing arts, recreation, games, or just having fun joking around— play can take many forms and is essential to our health and vitality. It’s important to realize that because of all your hard work through the Heal Smart and Move Smart phases, you’ve earned this freedom to play. Because you now have skills, tools, and strategies that work, feel free to challenge and test yourself more. You might find yourself moving beyond limitations with ease and pleasure. Remember, play may not look the same as it did when you were 16— but at least this time around you get to rewrite all the rules to your own benefit!

How do Play Smart Classes fit into The Smart Body Way?

Smart Body Pilates—Play

For students who have mastered both Heal and Move class series and are comfortable using anatomical terms, body systems, and other somatically based tools. Exercise transitions, class flow, and pace are all emphasized. We strive to become more balanced while challenging how mobile our stability can be. With a commitment to having fun, an open mind, and consistency, you will notice marked improvements in integrated strength/flexibility, balance, efficiency, breath capacity, and body awareness.


 The Smart Body offers a variety of Pilates Classes tailored to meet specific ranges of need. Learn more about Pilates at The Smart Body and discover which is the best fit for you.

BodyMind Dancing™

BodyMind Dancing™ is a unique synthesis of some of the finest forms of somatic education: the language of human movement - Laban Movement Analysis and Bartenieff Fundamentals- which teach movement efficiency, and Body-Mind Centering®- which helps to bring consciousness to all parts of the body. As a whole, BodyMind Dancing™ is an anatomically informed dance experience that integrates technical skill-building exercises with improvisation. Each student has an experience that both invites introspection and awareness of self while meeting the best practices in fitness.


When we become better movers we become less afraid to move in new ways. We become more willing to commit, focus, and dig deeper, while at the same time having more fun. This class emphasizes whole-body strength, integration, and freedom of movement. So go on and test your skills and abilities- you’ve got this! For students who have mastered MOTR® Heal and Move.


Book A Play Smart Class.

“A finite game is played for the purpose of winning, an infinite game for the purpose of continuing the play.” 
― James P. Carse